When you’re on vacation, sometimes it’s nice to send your family or friends a personalized custom postcard. You could draw a picture of a place you just visited, or glue in a selfie of you on the beach. Either way, a postcard template would be handy, and that’s exactly what’s available right here, free of charge. That’s right, if you’re using these printable post card templates for personal or educational use, they are completely free. There are three creative templates to choose from in addition to a standard blank post card template front and back.
In order to download any of these templates, simply click on the images below to open up a high resolution jpeg of the postcard template. From there, right click on the image and press “Save As” to save it to your computer. Each of these template jpegs has a resolution of 1500 pixels by 1159 pixels, so they’ll look great when your print them out. One final note: If you’re printing the postcard back on the same sheet as the front, the way to manually print duplex correctly is by turning the paper upside down and backwards. Best of luck, and enjoy your vacation!
Is there some way that I can put a picture for the holidays on the post card. I do not want to change the border I just want to put a picture on it.