Caird, Sally (2013). General measure of Enterprising Tendency test.
This is the latest version of this eprint.
The General measure of Enterprising Tendency test (GET2) is a measure of enterprising tendency developed for educational use and self assessment. It measures five entrepreneurial attributes, namely Need for achievement, Need for Autonomy, Creative Tendency, Calculated Risk taking and Locus of control, providing interpretation for this enterprising attributes. Since 1998 there has been considerable worldwide interest in the test of General Enterprising Tendency (GET test) developed and tested at the University of Durham by Sally Caird and Cliff Johnson. Due to this interest and the volume of requests for the test, the website tool and materials was created, available to people who wish to test their enterprising tendency, or for education, training, development and research purposes. The basic premise of the test is that the enterprising person shares entrepreneurial characteristics. The psychological literature has different views on entrepreneurial characteristics and which ones are important. The approach taken involved identifying key characteristics of entrepreneurial people which are associated with entrepreneurial behaviour and entrepreneurship. The key entrepreneurial characteristics identified include: strong motivation, characterised by a high need for achievement and for autonomy; creative tendency; calculated risk-taking; and an internal locus of control (belief you have control over own destiny and make your own 'luck'). People set up an enterprise because they are highly motivated (to achieve something themselves) by a good idea and will manage risks, information and uncertainties because they believe they can set up the enterprise successfully. The GET2 website tool has been widely used with an average of 1000 users per month, and adopted by over 80 institutions and organisations in over 30 countries.